When is it OK to express how you feel? When you write raw. No, it’s not a joke or a riddle, and the answer is not, write in the raw. Although, if that’s how you prefer to write, then good on you. There is a lot of hoopla out there in the writing world about written content that has been penned as raw. What is writing raw? For me it’s an idea that has to come out. Don’t think about it; and, above all, don’t edit in your mind before you put pen to paper. It is all about write, write, write. Including everything you want to say. No holds barred type of writing. Express your feelings. Yell, laugh, cry. Get it on the paper before you think better of it, and shut down. “But what if someone else reads it?” you ask. Unless you hand over your raw work to people, no one need ever see it. However, it’s my thought, if they read your work without invitation, it sucks to be them if they don’t like what you have penned (or said)! |
As much as I can. For me it’s just another word that says I write by the seat of my pants. No boundaries and rules holding me back. The grammar and spelling are overlooked, as is the structure. I’ve said it before, and I will say it again I am sure, editing is for later.
Unfortunately, (and they may think otherwise) there are those who write with as much ‘political correctness’ as possible in the first draft of anything they produce. Which, in my opinion, is too bad, because I think they lose out on so much.
My first drafts are a wreck. They are full of every mind blowing situation and scene I can conjure up in my mind. These thoughts don’t necessarily have a place in the final, refined version, but it is what breathes life into the story.
The first draft of anything we write should sting with every thought imaginable. The first draft needs to be raw.
Author, Photographer, Lover of Life
"Capturing moments others may never get to experience."