Thoughts of the coming date recognized on the calendar as the start of winter, bring with it a silver lining.
The passage of fall into the expected cold season of winter, the days start to get longer. Barely noticeable at first. Taking a month or so to realize breakfast and dinner are no longer eaten in the dark.
In our part of the country, every so often a Chinook blast through a reprieve of warm westerly air. The Snow Eater winds raise the temperature from -30C to +10C. In a matter of hours, water is running, jackets are undone and toques and mitts are left at home.
Don’t be fooled. As quickly as the Chinooks come, they leave. Days of basking in the sun return to shivering in the cold. Winter returns, and sometimes with a vengeance. Overpowering the expected spring months until it is ready to relinquish its hold.
The seasons provide loving words, sporadic outbursts, conversation with strangers and something to talk about.
Author, Photographer, Lover of Life