A topic piques your interest and what better way to learn about it than to do research by reading.
Now that you have your newfound knowledge, why not share it? Write it down in your own words why you wanted to find out more. Does the subject intrigue you enough to search for additional answers to your questions? Or, do you simply record the fact that the whole experience has flat lined after gathering delusional data.
Gathering material for a blog, a book, a short story or personal information allows the thought process to brain storm. A scary thought for some, exhilarating for others, and exhausting for most. But, it does keep the mind from becoming stagnant.
Personally, I enjoy the challenge of research and ultimately being able to share my finds through various avenues. The easiest way to divvy out words might be a blog or some other form of social media.
Writing and sharing lets us voice our opinions. Thankfully, most opinions, on any given topic, are different from the next person.
It all makes for interesting conversation and diverse reading.
Read, Learn, Write and Share. Quit procrastinating. Just Do It!