Three questions that I can easily answer yes, yes and yes.
Shopping local means you are supporting not only your community, but a family that owns the business. Sure it’s easy to run to the big box store and load your cart with everything you think you should buy just because it’s all in on place. I’d bet dollars to doughnuts, you will also spend way more than you planned.
That takes me to putting some thought into gifts you give. Quite easy to waltz down the isles of any store and decide to proceed to the check out where they have a selection of gift cards in various denominations. The only thought you will have to put into this excursion will be who will get what card. Boring. Lazy.
Never mind the gift cards. Try giving a gift you have made. This does’t need to be some elaborate creation you have found on Pinterest. A gift made shows you took time from the so-called busy schedule to actually do it.

Shopping at local small businesses is nothing but a win, win situation. I get to visit with the shop owner. I am always welcomed. The service I receive is genuine, and I know the product I am purchasing goes a long way to please several people . . . shop owner, me, the recipient.
I am also able to contact home based businesses I have become acquainted with either in person or online. These I know are unique gifts. Often one-of-a-kind pieces, well made and well worth the asking price.
Home made baked items with a recipe or two tucked in makes a great gift basket (or bucket or bowl). An old fashioned autograph book filled with notes of encouragement and special thoughts. A toilet paper roll wrapped in pretty paper and tied at both ends with ribbon - Inside is a personal gift certificate to babysit, house sit, do a chore, tickets to an event or that tiny personal gift you found for them. You don’t have to be crafty, a chef or artisan to make a gift that will bring a smile to a face. |
How would you answer these three questions?
Author, Photographer, Lover of Life