Truth be known, I have moved one to a Secret status, which means only I can see its contents; and, changed the destination Board of some of my pins.
Today seems like a good day to continue with the downsizing project. In doing so, I will share the steps needed to change your personal boards to Secret and/or move pins to other boards. It is a simple process either way, and it does help to keep things tidy.
Remember, the idea of this downsizing is to organize your Pinterest account as a place to promote your business. Having said that, if you are just looking to clean things up a bit on the personal side, these steps work for that too.
You have two choice here. Make them into Secret Boards and leave them alone. Or, amalgamate the two. Depending on the number of pins, the second can be time consuming, but it will also give you the chance to delete pins you are no longer interested in.
I have a Board called Invasive Plants. I know what my theory was in creating this Board; however, times change. I still want access to them, but it’s now time to move these pins and then delete the board. Yard and Garden Board looks to be the best choice of destination for the pins from Invasive Plants.
- Open the Board you want to move the pins FROM.
- Hover the cursor over the picture - In the top left corner there will be two icons. Click on the one that looks like a pencil (Edit Icon).
- Choose the name of the destination Board from the drop down box.
- Click on Save.
- You will be re-directed back to the Board where the pin was located. It may still be there. Don’t panic. Refresh the page and it will be gone.
- Go to the moved TO Board. The pin should appear there.
- Continue these steps until all of the pins have been moved from any given Board.
If you want to delete a pin rather than move it to another board, follow steps 1 and 2.
Step 3 now becomes: Scroll down to bottom left. Click on the Delete Pin. Follow the instructions and carry on with steps 4 through 7 above as required.
- Open the Board you want to make into a Secret Board.
- Just above the name of your Board, there’s those icons again.
- Click on the pencil (Edit Icon).
- Scroll down to Secret
- Click on the button to change it to Yes
- Your Board is now secret. It will appear at the bottom of your Board page. And, like it says, only you and people you invite can see them.
- You can make a Secret Board public again by following these same steps and changing Secret to No.
These few steps, along with ones found on Climbing the Pinterest Ladder are just a few hints to help move in the direction of using Pinterest for Business.
Author, Photographer, Lover of Life