Since our host for the AWBA evening was Silver Valley Ranch; and, we would spend some time interacting with the Tribe and participating in a drum circle, I couldn’t imagine a better place to be than outside in the summer sunshine.
It’s funny how your attention goes to things you are comfortable with. For me, it was the gaze from across the yard from the mare. Yes, Thee Mare came to the gate, made eye contact with me and invited me to visit with her. It was not something I take for granted and was certainly something that made my evening.
Soon we were in a rousing session of community drumming lead by Renee Warenka of Airdrie Drums. A new experience for me. It was easy to be drawn into the rhythm of the drums beating around me. Relaxing and exhilarating melded as one.
And then there was the eye catching sky that kept me glancing to the West. The drums continued to sooth and I continued to watch the sky. Possible storm warnings had been issued early in the day, but this was something different. A combination of sun streams, clouds and sunset thwarting off the thunderheads. All making for a spectacular end to the day.
It was a night of coming together. The old adage of great food, great conversation and great people, made it so.
And yes, I did get pictures of the sky. This is only a sampling of the palette that was presented over the next hour, until the moon said, “Enough already, for one day.”