10 suggestions to get customers.
6 steps to sell your products.
8 examples to write a better letter.
3 options to post a top notch blog.
All of these are made up by me. I’m just making a point.
The truth is, each and every one of us is capable of getting any job done, and we have the ability to find the best way to do it. Focus on what’s important and take those almighty baby steps I have talked about before.
All the numbers and How To’s in the world are not going to make success happen. Having said that, there is a single number that has the best chance for a favourable outcome in each path our lives take us. The number? It’s 1.
The only reason, point, plan, suggestions that makes things in our lives occur is what we do as individuals to make it so.
So, lets see if I can come up with some additional points.
1 way to find a smile.
1 way to keep that smile.
1 way to make the smile into a laugh.
1 way to laugh until you cry.
OK, so the list is kind of cheesy. My point is, it’s up to YOU to find the system, plan, strategy to make anything work. No one else is responsible for your smile, your laugh, your tears, your life.
You are that number. You are the ONE!
What’s your #1 focus for success?