In an attempt to include everyone with great ideas and products, I use the term, business world, loosely. Focusing on ventures that have the drive, but all too often, not the time or funds to make that all important, flamboyant shove to introduce their brand.
One of the highly touted ways to market your work is to surround yourself with a Tribe. These people come together to promote you and market your product. They are responsible for supplying an ongoing support base.
Your Tribe is not necessarily a professional corporation. You know, the company that expects generous amounts of your time and money. Choose people you can trust to get the word out to the world. They come from all walks of life with many unique thoughts on generating sales. Their ideas may become the sound stepping stones you require to make a difference in your marketing strategy.
The thing is, you do need a strategy. When it comes to your product, if you have no idea what you want, or where you want to be, you will float along like a seed lost to the wind. Fits and starts. Highs and lows. The air current will have you drifting and bouncing from one grandiose plan to another. Never settling long enough to take root and flourish.
1. Are you happy with your current marketing format?
If the answer is yes. There isn't much sense reading further; however, most people are always looking for tips to add to the current success they are having. If this is you, then it’s time to read on. Take in some thoughts and suggestions to enhance the transition.
2. Start small. THINK BIG.
“Go Big or Go Home?”. Not always the case. Promoting options are many. Choose wisely from the avenues that fit your goals. Take small, quiet steps that encourage and gather momentum. Keep the quest for notoriety in sight and moving forward. The "Big" idles in the background waiting to materialize from want and perseverance.
3. Ask for help.
Really, it’s O.K. to ask for help. Burn out, disappointment and sometimes failure comes to those who don’t reach out.
Help is described as anything and everything that makes what you are trying to do, attainable. Marketing is a hard row to hoe. Assistance will make the job easier.
4. Organize a Tribe.
A What?
Make a list of no more than five people. This is the start your Tribe. These are the people you trust to help with the journey to fame.
Don’t discount those that you only come in contact with occasionally. These people may have unique promotion ideas. Work them into your plan and distribute the result for others to initiate.
5. Do you have a plan of attack?
Procrastinating does not get it done!
Start writing a long list of hopes and dreams. Include things like: I want to become a household word. I want to get rich.
These are realistic thoughts not to be stymied in an attempt to keep your true feelings in check. It’s nice that you want to show your modest, humble side, but it won’t help if you choose to keep these honest thoughts at bay.
Realistically, your long list will become a short list and then a priority list. Work at it daily until the plan comes together.
6. Be flexible
If the plan has to be your way or no way, accomplishments may be few. Flexibility does not mean giving up your dream to go with the flow. It's the ability to occasionally change direction to reap the rewards.
7. Communicate with your Tribe
This group of people can be the lifeline to success. Meet with them all together and one on one. By telephone. In person. By email. Communication is the key. Talk with them often. Keep them in the loop. Listen to what they have to say.
8. Delegate
Delegating frees up time to concentrate on the overall pursuit of success. You are still in control. You still get to oversee everything your Tribe does. You still make the final decision. To delegate gives you time to breathe, rejuvenate and be productive.
9. Use the tools you already have.
Shy about talking and sharing your product, your accomplishments, you? Get over it!
Use links to articles with your name in them as part of your social media campaign.
Hand out business cards.
Participate in public and group events. Join online forums.
Network at every occasion possible.
When asked, “What’s new?” Tell them!
10. Be Appreciative
Recognize the people you encounter through this promotion process. Family, friends, customers, and supporters need to know you don’t take them for granted.
A mere Thank You speaks volumes. These two words are all it takes to show your appreciation.