Everyone seems to have the so called answers, and we tend to fall into the rut of reading them, agreeing with them, saving them and doing nothing more.
Is all of the time we spend trying to move forward and to be successful worth it? For some it’s the journey to no where. For others its something to keep the mind busy, and for most, it is merely a dream to do what you love.
So, continue to read your news feeds. Continue to squirrel away those articles that you might get to read one day. But mostly, continue to do what sparks the dream and makes you happy. Each step we take towards any goal can only be made if we put one foot in front of the other. No one else can do that for us.
Following someone else’s tracks is O.K. for a while; but, it is way more fun to make your own trail.
Do you follow your own trail?
Author, Photographer, Lover of Life
"Capturing moments others may never get to experience."