- Outline
- How to do research
- Knowing your topic
- Structure
- Schedules
- Grammar do’s and don’ts
- Spelling, punctuation and proper placement of nouns, verbs and adjectives
- Write like other people
Writing by the seat of your pants, you:
Several moves, and life interruptions, I still have some of the stuff from the olden days. As a matter of fact, some of that stuff made its way into the pages of Moon Rising.
I continue to write by the seat of my pants until I feel the need to make something out of what I have penned. That is when the teacher’s rules start to apply themselves.
It works for me, but it’s not for everyone. Don’t get me wrong, I like structure and I thrive on lists, but creating from within has to happen when I feel the urge, not at a designated time within the 24 hour clock.
I work on several projects at the same time. When I write, no matter where or on what, I start with the date, the main character’s name, and away I go. About every month or so, I take all my hand written notes from the last typed entry date and type them into the project’s file on the computer. Some are snippets, some are several chapters that flow together, others are chapters that will fit in later or earlier. This step is actually my first edit.
Inspired by life and all things that make me smile, the urge to write happens when I’m out for a walk, in bed and driving down the road. It happens anytime, but always from the heart.