In her recent blog post, Charli Mills (Carrot Ranch Literary Community) talked of how the vision came to be for the Keweenaw Interactive Art Walk, which will be located near Rabbit Bay on the south side of the Keweenaw Peninsula, Michigan, USA. I am humbled to think I had been able to help plant that seed.
Her post also gave a shout out to Airdrie's Voice and Vision project. A collaboration of artists and wordsmiths from the area that I have been involved with since its inception, 8 years ago.
I am happy to share that I have been accepted to write a piece for the inaugural Keweenaw Interactive Art Walk. The copy of the painting by artists TOJ, owner of Red Rabbit Studio, has arrived for me to use as the prompt for the submission.
I can't wait to let you in on the rest of the story as it evolves.