Beyond. Where the grey matter travels. A setting. A situation. Nowhere. Reluctant to share. Hiding what’s explosive and mind boggling. The journey traverses the escarpment of the imaginary. Sliding nonchalantly through a dimension of jumbled thoughts looking for facts. Solidify. Scrutinize. Throwing away the mindless crap simmering below the surface. Teetering on the edge of lies and truth. Lacking the gumption to make it happen. Pushed to the precipice. Daring to jump with reckless abandonment. First a single line forms. Soon joined by others. A flourish of impulsive thoughts. A plethora of words. Ink. Paper. A story is born. Carrot Ranch Flash Fiction Prompt - December 22, 2016 - write about beyond.
The little pup squirmed in his arms. The runt of the litter was his best friend. They did everything together. The Librarian would even let the dog come inside. Following him between the rows, looking for a book to take to their favourite spot where he would read out loud to his four footed partner. Carrot Ranch Flash Fiction Prompt - December 15, 2016 - write a story about the importance of a name.
“Take a gander at that one?” “Wow, she has some hind end on her. She’d be able to produce foals with no trouble at all.” “Classy colour. Imagine here paired up with that black stud our people keep in the barn?” “She sure is a looker. Think they’ll come close so we can talk to her.” “No way. Those people are uppity. They’re just showing her off. No way they’ll let her near us. Not enough breedin’ in us for the likes of them.” “George, hey George, you see that filly?” “Huh? What? What filly? These guys have oats!” Carrot Ranch Flash Fiction Prompt - December 8, 2016 - write a story about a gander as a verb.
99 WORDS A page to share creativity in 99 words - no more and no less.
April 2023