Ann Edall-Robson Author, Photographer, Lover of Life "Capturing moments others may never get to experience." | Carrot Ranch Flash Fiction Prompt - September 6, 2018 - Write a story about an epic workplace. |
The room is pristine to start, but soon takes on a look somewhat chaotic. Books spread out across open spaces where once there were thoughts of organization, and streamlining the hours to make them as productive as possible. Sounds of thunking, banging, clinking as doors open and close revealing needed tools. There are small marred bits of paper, tattered edged recipes, speckled from age and use. No one interrupts in this epic workplace where the tantalizing smells and mouth watering finales meld as one. To do so would jeopardize the anticipation of savouring the memories coming from the kitchen. #AnnEdallRobson #TheQuietSpirits #MoonRising #FromWhereICome #99Words #FlashFiction
A body and soul drive along gravel roads riddled with potholes is nothing short of bliss. The gray matter lodged between the ears has no expectations other than to watch for what Mother Nature has to offer. There is no rush in this journey. It is a plethora of whoa, stop, back up moments soaking in the sights on a trek to an unknown destination. Traffic lights do not exist, and the only bottleneck to endure may be a herd of cattle coming at you on the road. There is nothing like the backcountry to rejuvenate the writing mind.
#AnnEdallRobson #TheQuietSpirits #MoonRising #FromWhereICome #99Words #FlashFiction
99 WORDS A page to share creativity in 99 words - no more and no less.
April 2023