Ann Edall-Robson Author, Photographer, Lover of Life "Capturing moments others may never get to experience.” | Be the first to get all our latest news and updates. Join our mailing list. |
I tempt you with a challenge. Write a 5-word sentence to describe this photo. #AnnEdallRobson #TheQuietSpirits #FromWhereICome #5WordSentence #PicturePrompt #ranchtradition #mindseye #AnnEdallRobsonPhotography #mushroom #toadstool #forestfloor #ranchpasture #CapturingMomentsOthersMayNeverGetToExperience #CozyMysteries #PromptWriting #WesternHeritage #TheOldWays #RanchCulture #LifeThruTheLens #LetThePhotoSpeak
<a href=" "><strong>5 words + haiku 1p </strong></a>
3/4/2022 08:51:43 am
A wonderful selection of forest and fairy responses.
I had not known that rabbits do not eat mushrooms. I've actually seen what is called fairy circles; sort of circles of orange mushrooms. And I saw one a few mushrooms while on a walk that had sort of flat white caps the side of lunch and dinner plates. They didn't look like Portabellas, which are brownish. I don't eat wild muchrooms - I just don't know enough to trust what I can and can't consume. :) 3/5/2022 09:31:27 am
Good choice not to eat what you don't know about. Perhaps your local library will have books you could use as research and learning tools. If nothing more than to be able to identify the mushrooms you come across.
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The photo challenge
November 2022