Ann Edall-Robson Author, Photographer, Lover of Life "Capturing moments others may never get to experience.” |
I tempt you with a challenge. Write a 5-word sentence to describe this photo. #AnnEdallRobson #TheQuietSpirits #FromWhereICome #5WordSentence #PicturePrompt #ranchtradition #mindseye #AnnEdallRobsonPhotography #photobomb #wasp #gooseberry #fallcolours #CapturingMomentsOthersMayNeverGetToExperience #CozyMysteries #PromptWriting #WesternHeritage #TheOldWays #RanchCulture #LifeThruTheLens #LetThePhotoSpeak
D. Avery
2/10/2022 07:54:11 am
It's not really a bee. Oh well. 2/10/2022 07:42:30 pm
The gooseberry bush offers a smorgasbord for the insect and bird world. The picture was of the fall colours the leaves are producing. Everything else, including the little wasp photobombing are all a bonus. 2/10/2022 09:25:09 am
Autumn, auburn, burning buzz, bee.
2/10/2022 07:44:35 pm
Good response Jules.
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The photo challenge
November 2022