Old Fashioned Christmas
Claresholm - 2018
An annual event in the town of Claresholm, Alberta is their Old Fashioned Christmas. It is a time that brings friends and neighbours out to enjoy the start of the Christmas season, do some shopping and visit.
2018 is the second year I had the privilege to be a part of this fun event, thanks to Maxwell South Star Realty hosting three artisans for the evening - Anchor K Creations, Judy Dahl Stock Photography and myself, Ann Edall-Robson.
Having my books, The Quiet Spirits, Moon Rising: An Eclectic Collection of Works, and Birds in My Canadian Backyard showcased with Kerry Hart's jewelry and Judy Dahl's artwork was an honour.
2018 is the second year I had the privilege to be a part of this fun event, thanks to Maxwell South Star Realty hosting three artisans for the evening - Anchor K Creations, Judy Dahl Stock Photography and myself, Ann Edall-Robson.
Having my books, The Quiet Spirits, Moon Rising: An Eclectic Collection of Works, and Birds in My Canadian Backyard showcased with Kerry Hart's jewelry and Judy Dahl's artwork was an honour.
Ann Edall-Robson
Author, Photographer, Lover of Life
"Capturing moments others may never get to experience."
Author, Photographer, Lover of Life
"Capturing moments others may never get to experience."
#CountryChristmas #OldFashionedChristmas #TheQuietSpirits #ContestWinners