In the heart of Carrot Ranch country, The Saddle Up Saloon hosts Cowsino Night, a story game every first Friday of the month. You can learn about the craft of creative writing, introduce your own characters to the Kid & Pal crew, discuss the writer’s journey, and be part of making literary art accessible to anyone.
So sit back, relax, have a read, and let's see where the imagination takes us. Rules of Play
Use the three pictures that spin to a stop as inspiration or subjects (use in any order). Write seven sentences following the Story Spine (you don’t have to use the phrases of each step): Once upon a time… Every day… Until… Because of that… Because of that… Because of that… Finally… Share your story here at the Saloon (post on the story/comment board below). No links to other places. Play the slots as much as you like (you can write more then one story). Say howdy to those playing with you! Be friendly and have fun! |
The Letter - January 2023
Photo Credit - CRLC - Saddle Up Saloon
Sitting at her writing desk, Linda re-read the flowing, handwritten words in the letter from her far-away best friend.
The letters back and forth across the country kept them up-to-date with the goings on in each of their worlds, while giving them the chance to use the penmanship they had learned so many years ago in grade school. Millie’s latest letter had caused Linda some mind-boggling dismay and food for thought as she told her about the new phone her grandson had bought her with the intension of making her life easier. He had made custom apps for her that included all of her frequently called numbers, she could check the house while she was out or away, and a direct dial app to the pickle ball club where her grandson worked. Everything in Millie’s life was now accessible with one tap on the screen of her phone, even dictating and sending letters as emails.
Writer's Inspiration - December 2022
Chicknastics - October 2022
Photo Credit - CRLC - Saddle Up Saloon
Cloe Chicklit woke early every morning to the sound of her uncle crowing his voice hoarse.
She left the house quietly munching on the corn niblets she always gathered the day before among the tall stalks where she secretly went to practice. Day after day, all summer long, she danced her routine to the songs her friend the robin, sparrow, and house finch sang from overhead. It was the end of summer when the sound of machinery harvesting the corn, told her it was the last day she could practice along the long straight rows in the cornfield; and it was only a few days until the competition would happen. From the outside it looked like another hen house, but inside was a different story when friends and family clucked, cackled, and crowed when they gathered. The ducks visiting flapped their wings in appreciation of the participant’s moves; while the geese’s loud honking set everyone into a feathered frenzy when Cloe moved to the middle of the floor.
The silence that followed was the perfect prelude to the wild bird chorus singing in the rafters as Cloe dipped, strutted, and danced into her secret move, a straight line run ending with a one-wing walk over and a wink towards the judges that clinched her first place at the Annual Chicknastics Tournament. |
Ann Edall-Robson
Author, Photographer, Lover of Life "Capturing moments others may never get to experience." |
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#AnnEdallRobson #FromWhereICome #FlashFiction #ranchtradition #ranchlife #chickendance #chickencoop #cornfield #gravelroad #storiesofthepast #annualtrounament #PromptWriting #CarrotRanchLiteraryCommunity #CowsinoNight #FromWhereImFromGuidesMeToWhereImGoing #AnnEdallRobsonPhotography #CapturingMomentsOthersMayNeverGetToExperience #CozyMysteries #cookbooks #WesternHeritage #TheOldWays #RuralLiving #WhoaBackUpStop
Lost in a Book - September 2022
Bear Country - August 2022
Half Full Half Empty - July 2022
september 2022 |
Lost in a book - part 1“Did you see them?”
“The man with the green hair and the woman with the blue boots. They’re waving at us.” 'Keep walking, don't look their way. Oh my gosh! I think they’re following us!” “We’ll be okay if we just keep moving towards that boat in the grain field.” “Don’t you mean the boat in the lake?” “No, the one in the sea of gold waving us to go in that direction.” “They are still behind us, now they’re hollering.” “Maybe we should see what they want.” "No, let’s go this way and see what happens.” “But won’t the boat be safer?” “The wind’s come up, it’s floated away. We need to think about this. What does the next page in the book say?” “There’s a train station at the end of this street” “We’ll never get there in time. Keep walking, it’ll be fine. See, there’s the bistro. The one on page 23 from the book.” “If we stop, they’ll catch up with us. Don’t look back, keep walking until we get there.” “There they are, sitting in the bistro. How did they get here before us?” “Do you think we should introduce ourselves?” “Noooo! Ruuuun!” lost in a book - Part 2“Miss Ann, Miss Ann.”
“Mmmhmm…What is it, Buttons?" “You were mumbling, flailing your arms, and thrashing your feet." “I must have fallen asleep while I was reading.” “Well, you almost hit me with that book when it dropped off your lap.” "Sorry Buttons, it’s a great book filled with 99-word stories that take me to the most interesting places, with the oddest of people.” “How can someone write a story that’s only 99 words?” “Sometimes you’re lucky and it just comes to you. Sometimes you dream it and when you wake up you play with the scenes in the dream to make a story.” “You make that up too? I hear you’re pretty good at that.” “Buttons!” “I gotta go. It’s time for me to wander the ranch. Remember to latch the barn door when you leave. I don't want those green-haired, blue-boot-wearing people coming back to the barn.” “Were you reading my book?” “Now, Miss Ann, you’re the one who created me and, as far as I know, I don’t read.” “But how did you know…? ” “It's best I don’t say.” “Buttons, don’t you walk away without telling me. Did you really see them?” “You tell me. It’s your story, not mine.” |
Ann Edall-Robson
Author, Photographer, Lover of Life "Capturing moments others may never get to experience." |
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#AnnEdallRobson #FromWhereICome #FlashFiction #ranchtradition #ranchlife #freedomroad #gravelroad #storiesofthepast #restingplace #PromptWriting #CarrotRanchLiteraryCommunity #CowsinoNight #FromWhereImFromGuidesMeToWhereImGoing #AnnEdallRobsonPhotography #CapturingMomentsOthersMayNeverGetToExperience #CozyMysteries #cookbooks #WesternHeritage #TheOldWays #RuralLiving #WhoaBackUpStop
Ann Edall-Robson
Author, Photographer, Lover of Life "Capturing moments others may never get to experience." |
Be the first to get all our latest news and updates.
#AnnEdallRobson #FromWhereICome #FlashFiction #ranchtradition #ranchlife #freedomroad #gravelroad #storiesofthepast #restingplace #PromptWriting #CarrotRanchLiteraryCommunity #CowsinoNight #FromWhereImFromGuidesMeToWhereImGoing #AnnEdallRobsonPhotography #CapturingMomentsOthersMayNeverGetToExperience #CozyMysteries #cookbooks #WesternHeritage #TheOldWays #RuralLiving #WhoaBackUpStop